
Learn to pronounce pe·ruse

read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way.
"he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues"

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Peruse can mean "to read something in a relaxed way, or skim" and can also mean "to read something carefully or in detail." It is what is known as a contronym, ...
to read or look at something in a relaxed way: He opened the newspaper and perused the sports pages.
Peruse can mean "to read something in a relaxed way, or skim" and can also mean "to read something carefully or in detail." Peruse is thus a contronym because ...
verb · to read or examine with care; study · to browse or read through in a leisurely way ...
Traditionally, peruse has meant to read or examine something carefully. But informally, it can have the opposite meaning, to read something casually and quickly ...