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  1. Homebrew DDS Generator (with AD9851) -

  2. WebControlling an AD9851 DDS with an Arduino. Been playing with the AD9851 DDS for a while now using other people's software mostly written in assembly language that I find rather hard to get my head around. Finally …

  3. Arduino AD9851 | George Smart – M1GEO

    WebArduino AD9851. This page is here to provide me with a few links to help me in the event of the inevitable memory loss. This page details how I got my DDS-60 AD9851 DDS board to generate signals from an Arduino. …

  4. WebUsing Arduino as the controller. umarsear / Arduino-AD9851-DDS-Direct-Digital-synthesizer-Signal-Generator Public. Notifications. Fork 8. Star 7. master. README. An inexpensive DDS Signal generator based on the …

  5. AD9851 - DDS Module Controller Library for Arduino …

    WebAll the three examples are using Arduino to AD9851 GPIO map as follows: AD9851-RST = Arduino-PIN-8. AD9851-DATA = Arduino-PIN-9. AD9851-FQ = Arduino-PIN-10. AD9851-CLK = Arduino-PIN-11. Generate_Tone. …