metropolis 1927 quotes from www.imdb.com
The Machine Man: [disguised as Maria] Who is the living food for the machines in Metropolis - ? Who lubricates the machine joints with their own blood - ?
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metropolis 1927 quotes from en.wikiquote.org
Between the mind that plans and the hands that build there must be a Mediator, and this must be the heart. Directed by Fritz ...
The mediator between head and hands must be the heart! ... This book is not of today or of the future. It tells of no place. It serves no cause, party or class.
The task was too great. So they hired hands for wages. But the hands that built the Tower of Babel knew nothing of the dream of the brain that had conceived it.
Oct 2, 2023 · "'We shall build a tower that will reach to the stars!' Having conceived Babel, yet unable to build it themselves, they had thousands to build ...
Design - machine hallucination resembles an Aztec temple. Title card 'Moloch' - biblical allusion to child sacrifice. Actions - slaves being fed to the ...
“I must have a person who is faithful to me, Josaphat - how else will I be able to fulfill my destiny?”
Maria: "We shall build a tower that will reach to the stars!" Having conceived Babel, yet unable to build it themselves, they had thousands to build it for them ...
Freder: Your magnificent city, Father - and you the brain of this city - and all of us in the city's light...And where are the people, Father, whose hands built ...