Groupware tool for online collaboration and organisation. EGroupware integrates cutting edge collaboration technologies - available in a german hosting ...


EGroupware is free open-source groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, appointments, projects and to-do lists. The project releases its software under the terms of... Wikipedia
Written in: PHP
EGroupware is free open-source groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, ...
Mar 7, 2022 · EGroupware is an open source groupware solution that runs in your favorite web browser. By Heike Jurzik (Correspondent).
Web based groupware server written in PHP, forum at https://help.egroupware.org/ - EGroupware/egroupware.
EGroupWare is a free open source groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, ...
EGroupware is groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, appointments, ...
The EGroupware app is very well integrated into Univention Corporate Server, easy to install and connected to the user/group administration and the mail server.