​The Pleiad Nymph Taygete Taygete was thus sister to Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope and Merope. Taygete's parentage, also means, that in some sources, she was sister to Hyas, the god of seasonal rains, and the Hyades, rain nymphs.
Feb 3, 2024
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Taygete siblings from en.wikipedia.org
Siblings. show. (a) Pleiades. Maia · Electra · Alcyone · Celaeno · Sterope · Merope. show. (a) Hyades. 1 include Dione or; 2 includes Thyone and Prodice or; 3 ...
Legends say that Zeus turned the seven sisters into the constellation to protect them from the advances of Orion. Her star in the Pleiades constellation is ...
Taygete siblings from mythus.fandom.com
Taygete was one of seven Pleaides; the others were her sisters Maia, Celaeno, Alcyone, Electra, Sterope and Merope. The seven sisters were transformed into ...
Their son Lakedaimon (Lacedaemon) was the ancestor of the kings of Sparta. FAMILY OF TAYGETE ... Taygete, daughter of Atlas, and her sister Alkyone. There are ...
The Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Taygete, Electra, and Merope. Their parents were Atlas, a Titan commanded by the god Zeus ...
Pleiades, in Greek mythology, the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas and the Oceanid Pleione: Maia, Electra, Taygete, Celaeno, Alcyone, Sterope, and Merope.
The Pleiades were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. Together with their sisters, the Hyades, they were called the ...
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. ... family to the Titan's original punishment ...