In 1944, the Guatemalans prompted the dictator Jorge Ubico to resign, then overthrew by armed rebellion the would-be dictator who tried to follow him. The new, reform-minded leaders allowed free presidential elections, and the people elected Dr. Juan José Arévalo.
May 1, 1992
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Guatemala Revolution of 1944 from en.wikipedia.org
The period in the history of Guatemala between the coups against Jorge Ubico in 1944 and Jacobo Árbenz in 1954 is known locally as the Revolution (Spanish: ...

Guatemalan Revolution

The period in the history of Guatemala between the coups against Jorge Ubico in 1944 and Jacobo Árbenz in 1954 is known locally as the Revolution. It has also been called the Ten Years of Spring, highlighting the peak years of representative... Wikipedia
The week of June 26 to June 30 the strike, entitled Brazos Caídos (Fallen Arms), took control of the commercial, industrial and service sectors of Guatemala ...
The revolution which brought the Liberal Party to power in Guatemala in. 1870 did not bring any degree of democracy to the people of Guatemala. Under the ...
Gen. Federico Ponce Vaides, head of the interim government, was deposed on October 20, 1944, by a popular uprising, and a revolutionary junta presided over the ...
Communist influence in Guatemala is based on militant advocacy of social reforms and nationalistic policies identified with the Guatemalan Revolution of 1944.
The Guatemalan Revolution of 1944 forced the resignation of the right-wing dictator, ... The biggest obstacle to land reform in Guatemala was the United Fruit.
Guatemala Revolution of 1944 from nationaltoday.com
Revolution Day in Guatemala takes place on October 20 every year. It commemorates a landmark moment in the country's history; on this day in 1944, a democratic ...
Guatemala's “Ten Years of Spring" (1944–1954) began when citizens overthrew a military dictatorship and ushered in a remarkable period of social reform.
Guatemala Revolution of 1944 from en.wikipedia.org
Democratic elections during the Guatemalan Revolution in 1944 and 1951 had brought popular leftist governments to power, who sought to ameliorate working ...