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Newborn Axolotl from sillyaxolotls.wixsite.com
Axolotl eggs take about 21 days to hatch, add or subtract a few depending on temperatures. In this time, you need to locate yourself some live food. Baby ...
Newly hatched axolotl larvae can vary in size from 10-13 mm (roughly 0.5 inch). On hatching, they will still possess some egg yolk in their stomachs (the white ...
Apr 18, 2016 · Hi, I am newbie here. I have hundreds of small newborn axolotl and I feed them with live Daphnia and Tubifex. I can not keep up with buying ...
Nov 18, 2012 · You basically need the live food till the back legs come in and they are big enough to eat chopped bloodworms. What kind of bbs eggs do you have ...