An evolutionary lineage is a temporal series of populations, organisms, cells, or genes connected by a continuous line of descent from ancestor to descendant.
When talking in terms of evolution, a lineage describes how a species developed from the species before it. The species adapted to its environment.
Lineage (anthropology), a group that can demonstrate its common descent from an apical ancestor or a direct line of descent from an ancestor · Lineage (evolution) ...
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A genetic lineage includes all descendants of a given genetic sequence, typically following a new mutation. It is not the same as an allele because it ...
Character evolution usually refers to single changes within a lineage that make this lineage unique from others. These changes are called character state ...
Human evolution is the evolutionary process within the history of primates that led to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid ...
The timeline of human evolution outlines the major events in the evolutionary lineage of the modern human species, Homo sapiens, throughout the history of ...
It occurs when evolutionary processes such as natural selection and genetic drift act on genetic variation, resulting in certain characteristics becoming more ...
A ghost lineage is a hypothesized ancestor in a species lineage that has left no fossil evidence, but can still be inferred to exist or have existed because ...
An evolutionary lineage (also called a clade) is composed of species, taxa, or individuals that are related by descent from a common ancestor. Lineages are ...