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  1. Dizionario
    sell (verbo) · sells (terza persona presente) · sold (tempo passato) · sold (participio passato) · selling (participio presente)
    1. give or hand over (something) in exchange for money:
      "they had sold the car" · "the family business had been sold off" · "I was trying to sell him my butterfly collection"
    2. persuade someone of the merits of:
      "he sold the idea of making a film about Tchaikovsky" · "he just won't sell himself"
      persuade someone to accept
      convince someone of the merits of
      talk someone into
      bring someone round to
      win someone over to
      get acceptance for
      win approval for
      get support for
    sell (sostantivo) · sells (sostantivo plurale)
    1. an act of selling or attempting to sell something:
      "every other television commercial is a sell for Australian lager"
    2. BRITISH
      a disappointment, typically one arising from being deceived as to the merits of something:
      "actually, Hawaii's a bit of a sellā€”not a patch on Corfu"
    Old English sellan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse selja ā€˜give up, sellā€™. Early use included the sense ā€˜give, hand (something) over voluntarily in response to a requestā€™.
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  2. sell - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference

  3. SELL - traduzione in italiano - dizionario inglese-italiano di

  4. Sell Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

  5. SELL Definition & Meaning |

  6. sell verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...

  7. SELL | meaning - Cambridge Learner's Dictionary

  8. selling - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference

  9. SELL - Definition in English -

  10. sell - Traduzione in italiano - esempi inglese | Reverso Context

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