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  1. Rivasの意味・使い方|英辞郎 on the WEB

  2. Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Rivas, Nicaragua: A Must-Do ...

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Located in a wide isthmus that separates the Pacific Ocean and Lake Nicaragua, the department of Rivas has many natural and historic attractions, as well as two of the most visited destinations: San Juan del Sur - with its several beaches - and the volcanic island of Ometepe.
    Cathedral of Rivas, Nicaragua. Rivas, city, southwestern Nicaragua, on a narrow strip of land between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific Ocean.
    The nearby Ometepe Island is home to some of Nicaragua’s most stunning natural wonders, including the Concepcion and Maderas volcanoes and the captivating Charco Verde lagoon. But Rivas is more than just a collection of landmarks. It’s a welcoming community that offers visitors an authentic taste of everyday Nicaraguan life.
    Founded in 1736 and formerly known as Nicaragua, Rivas gained fame as a town on the “Vanderbilt Road,” over which Americans joining the California Gold Rush traveled from the adjoining lake port of San Jorge to the Pacific port of San Juan del Sur. In 1856 a battle in the war against the American filibuster William Walker was fought there.
  4. Rivas-Vaciamadrid - Wikipedia

  5. rivasの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

  6. Rivas, Nicaragua - ViaNica.com

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