
Learn to pronounce con·cord

  1. agreement or harmony between people or groups.
    "a pact of peace and concord"
    synonyms: agreement, harmony, accord, consensus, concurrence, unity, unanimity, unison, oneness, concert
  2. agreement between words in gender, number, case, person, or any other grammatical category which affects the forms of the words.
  3. a chord that is pleasing or satisfactory in itself.

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The meaning of CONCORD is a state of agreement : harmony. How to use concord in a sentence.
noun · agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord: · agreement between things; mutual fitness ...
A concord is an agreement. If you want to watch a romantic comedy and your date wants to watch a horror film, you might compromise and come to a concord by ...
May 22, 2024 · formal. agreement and peace between countries and people: nations living in concord. Compare. discord (DISAGREEMENT) formal.
concord in British English · 1. agreement or harmony between people or nations; amity · 2. a treaty establishing peaceful relations between nations · 3.
Agreement or harmony between things; esp. said in reference to sounds and rhythmical movements, and in uses thence derived.
1. formal : a state in which people or things agree with each other and exist together in a peaceful way. They lived in peace and concord. [=harmony]
Definition of concord. as in harmony. peaceful coexistence living in concord with people of different races and religions. harmony. peace.
Noun. concord (countable and uncountable, plural concords) A state of agreement; harmony; union. (obsolete) Agreement by stipulation; compact; covenant; treaty ...
1. Agreement between persons; union in opinions, sentiments, views or interests; peace; harmony. What concord hath Christ with Belial? 2 Corinthians ...