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  1. This review discusses the progress and main fields of bio-medical applications of carbon nanotubes based on recently-published reports. It encompasses the synthesis of carbon nanotubes and their application for bio-sensing, cancer treatment, hyperthermia induction, antibacterial therapy, and tissue engineering.
    Author: Timur Saliev
    Publish Year: 2019
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    After a brief introduction to carbon nanotubes in general and their proposed applications in the biomedical field, this review will focus on nanocomposite materials with hydrogel-based matrices and especially their potential future use for diagnostics, tissue engineering or targeted drug delivery.
    Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Medicine, S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Tole Bi Street 94, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan Unique chemical, physical, and biological features of carbon nanotubes make them an ideal candidate for myriad applications in industry and biomedicine.
    The application of carbon nanotubes in target drug delivery systems for cancer therapies. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2011;6:555–577. [ PMC free article] [ PubMed] [ Google Scholar] 9. Rosen Y, Elman NM. Carbon nanotubes in drug delivery: focus on infectious diseases. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2009;6(5):517–530. [ PubMed] [ Google Scholar]
    Carbon nanotubes will play a major role in a range of applications in the future. This also helps to solve the problems in the world’s energy. The fast in researching and innovating innumerable newer techniques make the CNT a frontier agent for every field of application.
  3. Studies of carbon nanotube application in the field of medical s