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  1. ВитікГори Серра-да-Канастра · штат Мінас-Жерайс
    БасейнSão Francisco River basin
    Карта місцевості: São Francisco River wikipedia
  1. São Francisco River - Wikiwand

  2. ІнтернетSão Francisco River, major river of eastern South America. With a length of 1,811 miles (2,914 kilometres), it is the fourth largest river system of the continent and the largest river wholly within Brazil.


    • wikipedia

    Має включати в себе:

  3. São Francisco River - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  4. São Francisco River summary | Britannica

  5. Люди також запитували
    The São Francisco River and its drainage network. São Francisco River, major river of eastern South America. With a length of 1,811 miles (2,914 kilometres), it is the fourth largest river system of the continent and the largest river wholly within Brazil.
    San Francisco Rivermay refer to: North America[edit] San Francisco River (Gila River tributary)– a river of the Gila River Valley in Arizona Rio de Flag– formerly known as the San Francisco river, originating in the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona San Francisco Creek– a river and tributary of the Rio Grande in Texas
    The Transfer of the São Francisco River is a large-scale interbasin transfer to the dry sertão in the four northeastern states of Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba and Pernambuco in Brazil.
    The São Francisco River is a river in Brazil. It is around 3,100 kilometers long. The main tributaries of the São Francisco River are the Paraopeba, Abaeté, das Velhas, Jequitaí, Paracatu, Urucuia, Verde Grande, Carinhanha, Corrente, and Grande rivers.
  6. São Francisco River |

  7. São Francisco River (Belo River tributary) - Wikipedia

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