Fish stocks are subpopulations of a particular species of fish, for which intrinsic parameters are traditionally regarded as the significant factors ...
Fish stocks are subpopulations of a particular species of fish. Fish stock (food), liquid made by boiling fish bones with vegetables, used as a ...
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Fish stocking is the practice of releasing fish that are artificially raised in a hatchery into a natural body of water (river, lake, or ocean), ...
Fish stock is a kind of stock used for fish dishes. It is used in French and international cuisine. Pouring fish stock on a stuffed fish.
Straddling stock are fish stocks that migrate through, or occur in, more than one exclusive economic zone. The Agreement was adopted in 1995, and came into ...
Stock assessments provide fisheries managers with the information that is used in the regulation of a fish stock. Biological and fisheries data are ...
Overfishing is the removal of a species of fish (i.e. fishing) from a body of water at a rate greater than that the species can replenish its population ...
The fishing industry includes any industry or activity that takes, cultures, processes, preserves, stores, transports, markets or sells fish or fish ...
Fishery can mean either the enterprise of raising or harvesting fish and other aquatic life or, more commonly, the site where such enterprise takes place ...
The market is separated into three categories: Stocks, Parts, and Fish. Stocks are purely speculative, and represent companies within the game setting. Parts ...