Noun edit · people; nation; nationality; ethnic group; minority; ethnos (Classifier: 個/个) · Short for 少數民族/少数民族 (shǎoshù mínzú, “ethnic minority”).
民族是一个具有多重含义的词汇。其源自19世纪的欧洲与美国,经日本传入中国,在意义上为国族(Nation)、 种族(Race)与族群(Ethnic group)的混合。
民族是一个具有多重含义的词汇。其源自19世紀的歐洲與美國,經日本傳入中國,在意義上為國族(Nation)、 種族(Race)與族群(Ethnic group)的混合。
Ethnic minorities in China are the non-Han population in the People's Republic of China (PRC). The PRC officially recognizes 55 ethnic minority groups ...
The Han Chinese people are the largest ethnic group in mainland China. In 2010, 91.51% of the population were classified as Han (~1.2 billion).
The Choctaw Nation is the third-largest Indian Nation in the United States with nearly 212000 tribal members and more than 12000 employees.
本表列出中华人民共和国境内的所有民族(族群的官方称呼)。 中国民族分布 中共建党百年之际,直-8L携带标语“全国各族人民大团结万岁”飞越首都北京。
Oct 5, 2019 · Author Johnson discusses Americas social construct of gender, race, class, and sexuality. One interesting point that struck out to me that was ...