011 is the international prefix used to dial somewhere outside of USA.
371 is the international code used to dial to Latvia.
There are multiple city/area codes in use for Riga. If 66 does not work, you may try the others. The area codes used are: 66/67.
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The Latvian telephone numbering plan is a telephone number assigning system used in Latvia. All the numbers consist of 8 digits with exceptions for special ...
Find your Latvian dialling codes: ; Aizkraukle. (8)651 ; Aluksne. (8)643 ; Balvi. (8)645 ; Bauska. (8)639 ; Cesis. (8)641.
1, Rezekne, (8)46 ; 2, Rezekne, (8)646 ; 3, Riga, (8)67 ; 4, Riga, (8)7 ...
011 - Exit code when making an international call from United States ; 371 - Latvian country code for inbound calls ; 34 - Riga city code ; 011 + 371 + 34 + Local ...
The international dialing codes and dialing format to call landline in Latvia is : IDD + 371 (Country Code) + Area Code + Recipient's Number ; The international ...
371 - Country Code for Latvia; Phone Number - 8 digits; example call from the United States or from Canada to a landline in Riga: 011 371 6??? ??
There are multiple city/area codes in use for Riga. If 66 does not work, you may try the others. The area codes used are: 66/67. X, X is the local ...
011 - Exit code when making an international call from Canada ; 371 - Latvian country code for inbound calls ; 34 - Riga city code ; 011 + 371 + 34 + Local Number ...