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  1. Dolphin Emulator - ダウンロード

  2. Dolphin Emulator - ゲームキューブとWiiのゲームをPCで

  3. Dolphinのインストールと初期設定 - GC+Wiiエミュレータ Wiki*

  4. Dolphin (エミュレータ) - Wikipedia

  5. 他の人はこちらも質問
    You can also browse the current version of the source code . For reporting bugs please go to the issue tracker . Before creating a new issue, make sure to try a recent development build and search the existing issues. Download the latest version of the Dolphin Emulator (5.0-21543) from the official website.
    The Windows beta versions require the 64-bit Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 to be installed. Development versions are released every time a developer makes a change to Dolphin, several times every day! Using development versions enables you to use the latest and greatest improvements to the project.
    Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!
    This past October, Dolphin turned 20 years old since its initial release to the public as an experimental GameCube emulator. It's been a long ride, with twists and turns. I don't know if anyone back in 2003 expected Dolphin not only to still be under active development 20 years later, but to also support the GameCube's successor in the Wii.
  6. Dolphin Emulator - ダウンロード

  7. Dolphin Emulator - ダウンロード

  8. Dolphin Emulator - ダウンロード

  9. Dolphin 5.0 - GC+Wiiエミュレータ Wiki*

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