Living stones (Lithops spp.), also known as pebble plants, are unusual little succulent plants that have evolved to look like the pebbles and rocks of their native habitats in Africa. These plants hug the ground and grow extremely slowly.
Nov 25, 2023
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Feb 14, 2018 · Short answer: One is the Pebble Plant (Lithops sp.) and another is the Lavender Pebble (Graptopetalum sp.) — but the likeness is not exact …
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Lithops are one of the most unique succulent plants you can grow. Also called living stones, their crazy-cool appearance makes them both a curiosity and a ...
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Jul 27, 2022 · Lithops, also known as living stones or pebble plants ... They're basically the world's most camouflaged plant and have evolved to look like the ...
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Lithops, also known as living stones, are extremely unique succulents that look like stones or colorful pebbles. These slow-growing plants make a quirky ...
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They avoid being eaten by blending in with surrounding rocks and are often known as pebble plants or living stones. Lithops is both the genus name and the ...
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Plants that look like rocks? Those would be living stones, in the genus Lithops. These are small succulent plants that survive in their harsh environment by ...
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Stone Plants or Lithops ... Yes, lithops look amazingly like stones, rocks and pebbles. These "living stones" or "flowering stones" are masters of camouflage -- ...