A search term, otherwise known as a search query, is the word or phrase someone enters into a search engine, such as Google. A search term often contains (or is itself) a keyword: a word or phrase search marketers bid on in their search campaigns and try to rank for in the organic search results.
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Analyze keywords. Our keyword research tool gives you insight into how often people search for certain terms–and how those searches have changed over time.
A search term is a word or set of words a person enters when searching on Google or one of our Search Network sites. A keyword is a word or set of words that ...
search terms keyword from instapage.com
Keywords vs. search terms. A keyword is the exact word or phrase a marketer is targeting in a paid or organic search campaign. For instance, to win an auction ...
Keywords are search terms that express the essence of your topic. They are crucial to an effective search, especially in library databases.
search terms keyword from www.semrush.com
Dec 6, 2022 · A search term is what a user types into Google. But a keyword is a particular word or phrase you might try to rank for. They're not the same ...
A search term (or search query) refers to a word or set of words that a person enters on a search engine like Google to generate specific results. According to ...
search terms keyword from support.google.com
Search terms insights help you understand how your customers are searching and engaging with your business on Google. They analyze the search terms where ...
The best FREE alternative to the Keyword Planner. Use Wordtracker to reveal 1000s of profitable longtail keywords with up to 10000 results per search.
search terms keyword from blog.hubspot.com
Apr 4, 2024 · Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines with the goal of using that data for ...