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  1. Kingston has a total of 1,575 people and of those residents there are 799 males and 776 females. The median age of the male population is 43.6 and the female population is 43.2. There are approximately 155 births each year and around 198 deaths.
    Population rank - Shoshone County: 2,175
    Resident population - Shoshone County: 13,771
    Total population: 1,575
    Total population (male): 799
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    Kingston, ID is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 1,575 people who live in Kingston and approximately 13,771 who live in Shoshone County.
    Kingston is an unincorporated community in Shoshone County, Idaho, United States. Kingston is located on the south bank of the Coeur d'Alene River along Interstate 90 about 2 miles (3.2 km) northwest of Pinehurst. Kingston has a post office with ZIP code 83839.
    The population density of the Kingston metro area is about 82.3 people residing for every kilometer in the area. The city covers a total surface area of 451.19 square kilometers (174.21 square miles). From the most current numbers, it is known that female residents outnumber males.
    There are around 1,575 people who live in Kingston and approximately 13,771 who live in Shoshone County. We want to help people moving to or living in Kingston to understand the dynamics of the city, so we have put together information gathered from various creditable sources to give you a better understanding of Kingston.
  3. Kingston, ID City Data | Population, Maps, Homes, Statistics

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