

I is one of the Japanese kana each of which represents one mora. い is based on the sōsho style of the kanji character 以, and イ is from the radical of the kanji character 伊. In the modern Japanese system of sound order, it occupies the second... Wikipedia
日本語 編集 · 平仮名の一つ。五十音図ではあ行の2段目。いろは順では1番目。 歴史的仮名遣いにおける「ゐ」および語中・語尾の「ひ」は、現代仮名遣いでは「い」と ...
Etymology 3 edit. From Old Japanese. Possibly cognate with Korean nominal particle 이 (i). Used in Old Japanese, still found in use in Chinese works annotated ...
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い、イは、日本語の音節の1つであり、仮名の1つである。1モーラを形成する。五十音図において第1行第2段(あ行い段)に位置する。現代仮名遣いでは第8行第2段(や行い ...
い-adjectives are one type of adjective in Japanese. Their main function is to describe nouns, and they can take different ending to change their meaning.
Words — 11606 found · 1. difference (of opinion)​. Na-adjective (keiyodoshi) · 2. strange; odd; unusual​. Prefix · 3. different​.
I (い in hiragana or イ in katakana) is one of the Japanese kana each of which represents one mora. い is based on the sōsho style of the kanji character 以 ...
Definition of い · (n, adj-na) difference (of opinion) · (adj-na) strange; odd; unusual · (pref) different.
い-adjectives can take the suffix 〜がる to describe how other people seem to feel, based on how they look or behave. This lets you state what you think ...
いの文脈に沿ったReverso Contextの日本語-英語の翻訳: 例文素晴らしい, いや, はい, いいえ, 次の手順に従います.
い【威】 · 1 力で押さえつけ、人を恐れさせる。「威圧・威嚇・威喝・威力/脅威」 · 2 人を恐れさせ従わせる強い勢い。「恩威・球威・権威・国威・示威・神威・武威・ ...