
Learn to pronounce bro·mide

  1. a compound of bromine with another element or group, especially a salt containing the anion Br or an organic compound with bromine bonded to an alkyl radical.
  2. a trite and unoriginal idea or remark, typically intended to soothe or placate.
    "feel-good bromides create the illusion of problem solving"
  3. a reproduction or piece of typesetting on bromide paper.

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A bromide ion is the negatively charged form (Br−) of the element bromine, a member of the halogens group on the periodic table. Most bromides are ...
The meaning of BROMIDE is a binary compound of bromine with another element or a radical including some (such as potassium bromide) used as sedatives.
Jun 20, 2020 · Bromide is a type of medication used to treat severe epilepsy, particularly causing myoclonic seizures. Bromide comes in two formulations: ...
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Bromide from pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Bromide is a halide anion and a monoatomic bromine. It is a conjugate base of a hydrogen bromide. ChEBI.
noun · a salt of hydrobromic acid consisting of two elements, one of which is bromine, as sodium bromide, NaBr. · a compound containing bromine, as methyl ...
Summary. What is bromide and where do you find it naturally in surface waters? Bromine (Br2) is a chemical element (atomic number 35) belonging to the ...
Bromide in literary usage means a phrase, cliché, or platitude that is trite or unoriginal. It can be intended to soothe or placate; it can suggest insincerity ...
It has no respiratory depressant activity in humans and is as effective as codeine in suppressing chronic cough Gastpar et al (1984).