
Learn to pronounce plan

  1. a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
    "the UN peace plan"
    synonyms: scheme, plan of action, idea, master plan, game plan, proposal, proposition, ploy, suggestion, project, program, system, method, procedure, strategy, stratagem, formula, recipe, scenario, arrangement, schedule, agenda, way, means, measure, tactic, tack, plot, device, maneuver, ruse, shift
  2. an intention or decision about what one is going to do.
    "I have no plans to retire"
    synonyms: intention, aim, idea, intent, objective, object, goal, target, hope, aspiration, ambition
  3. a detailed map or diagram.
    "a street plan"

  1. decide on and arrange in advance.
    "they were planning a trip to Egypt"
    synonyms: organize, arrange, work out, think out, design, line up, outline, sketch out, map out, chalk out, draft, prepare, schedule, program, formulate, frame, project, develop, set up, fix up, shape, build, devise, concoct, contrive, plot, scheme, cook up, hatch, brew, mastermind, orchestrate, choreograph, slate, excogitate, intend, make plans, aim, propose, mean, be resolved, have in mind, hope, want, wish, desire, contemplate, envisage, foresee, envision, expect, purpose
  2. design or make a plan of (something to be made or built).
    "they were planning a garden"
    synonyms: design, draw up a plan of, make a drawing of, draw up a layout of, sketch out, make a map of, map out, make a representation of, plat

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6 days ago · plan · 1 of 3. noun · ˈplan · Synonyms of plan. 1. : a drawing or diagram drawn on a plane: such as. a. : a top or horizontal view of an object.
a method for doing or achieving something, usually involving a series of actions or stages, or something you have arranged to do:.
noun. a scheme or method of acting, doing, proceeding, making, etc., developed in advance: battle plans. ... a design or scheme of arrangement: an elaborate plan ...
1. : a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something.
a. a scheme or program for making, doing, or arranging something; project, design, schedule, etc. b ...
present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc. compose, draw up, frame. make up plans or basic details for. plot.
Some common synonyms of plan are design, plot, project, and scheme. While all these words mean "a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an ...
a way something is to be done that is thought out ahead of time. If you want the surprise party to be a success, you must have a good plan.
A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with details of timing and resources, used to achieve an objective to do something.