
Learn to pronounce split

  1. break or cause to break forcibly into parts, especially into halves or along the grain.
    "the ice cracked and heaved and split"
    synonyms: break, chop, cut, hew, lop, cleave, snap, crack, bust, break apart, fracture, rupture, fissure, come apart, splinter
  2. (with reference to a group of people) divide into two or more groups.
    "let's split up and find the other two"
  3. (of one's head) suffer great pain from a headache.
    "my head is splitting"
  4. betray the secrets of or inform on someone.
    "I told him I wouldn't split on him"
    synonyms: inform on/against, tell tales on, give away, sell out, stab in the back, tell on, squeal on, blow the whistle on, rat on, peach on, sell down the river, grass on, shop, stitch up, do the dirty on, rat out, drop a/the dime on, finger, pimp on, pool, put someone's pot on
  5. leave a place, especially suddenly.
    "“Let's split,” Harvey said"
    synonyms: leave, depart, go, go away, go off, take one's leave, take oneself off, withdraw, absent oneself, say one's goodbyes, quit, make an exit, exit, break camp, decamp, retreat, beat a retreat, retire, make off, clear out, make oneself scarce, run off, run away, flee, fly, bolt, set off, set out, start out, get going, get under way, be on one's way, make tracks, up sticks, pack one's bags, shove off, push off, clear off, take off, skedaddle, scram, scoot, flit, sling one's hook, vamoose, hightail it, cut out, repair, remove, betake oneself, abstract oneself

  1. a tear, crack, or fissure in something, especially down the middle or along the grain.
    "light squeezed through a small split in the curtain"
    synonyms: crack, fissure, cleft, crevice, break, fracture, breach, rip, tear, cut, rent, slash, slit
  2. (in gymnastics and dance) an act of leaping in the air or sitting down with the legs straight and at right angles to the upright body, one in front and the other behind, or one at each side.
    "I could never do a split before"
  3. a thing that is divided or split.
  4. the time it takes to complete a recognized part of a race, or the point in the race where such a time is measured.

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split implies a cutting or breaking apart in a continuous, straight, and usually lengthwise direction or in the direction of grain or layers.
SPLIT meaning: 1. to (cause to) divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line: 2. to form…. Learn more.
5 days ago · the action of sitting on the floor with your legs straight out and flat along the floor in opposite directions:
Jan 3, 2016 · 23 votes, 31 comments. The "split" in referring to is when a person spreads their legs horizontally. Think Jean-Claude Van-Damme.
to separate by cutting, chopping, etc., usually lengthwise: to split a piece from a block.
24 senses: 1. to break or cause to break, esp forcibly, by cleaving into separate pieces, often into two roughly equal pieces.
SPLIT meaning: 1 : to break apart or into pieces especially along a straight line; 2 : to separate or divide into parts or groups often + up often + up.
Split means to come apart or rip in two. It can be used as a verb "let's split the apple in two" or as a noun "be careful to step over the split in the earth ...
Apr 12, 2023 · It's a pose like went you spread your legs horizontal until they're near a straight line.
Splits definition: (in gymnastics, etc) the act of sinking to the floor to achieve a sitting position in which both legs are straight, pointing in opposite ...