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Is FindLaw com a reliable source?
As one of the earliest providers of free online legal content like caselaw from state and federal courts, and statutes from nearly all 50 states, we are a trusted source for free research options in the legal community.
What type of lawyer makes the most money?

As of 2024, the top five highest paid types of lawyers are:

Patent Attorneys.
Intellectual property (IP) Attorneys.
Trial Lawyers.
Tax Attorneys.
Corporate Lawyers.
Is FindLaw owned by Thomson Reuters?
FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, is a leading provider of business development solutions for small law firms.
What do legal professionals use to find the law?
Most lawyers use one of two services, lexis nexis or westlaw. They're competing services that do the same thing. It's primarily used to look up and research court cases., Eagan, Minnesota. 46787 likes · 144 talking about this. Welcome to FindLaw! We're here to make the law accessible. Dive into our free...
As the leading free legal information website, works to bring consumers and attorneys the legal news, information, and resources they need.
FindLaw is a business of Thomson Reuters that provides online legal information in the form of state laws, case law and codes, legal blogs and articles, ...
FindLaw. 8135 likes · 49 talking about this. FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, connects law firms with clients.