A rectal examination is where a doctor or nurse checks inside your bottom (anus and rectum) with their finger. It's done to help find out why you're having ...
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Rectal examination

Medical exam
Digital rectal examination, also known as a prostate exam, is an internal examination of the rectum performed by a healthcare provider. Wikipedia
Rectal examination consists of visual inspection of the perianal skin, digital palpation of the rectum, and assessment of neuromuscular function of the perineum ...
A digital rectal exam is a test that examines your lower rectum, anus and prostate gland.
The rectal exam is important to make sure causes of rectal bleeding such as hemorrhoids are not missed. Additionally, understanding how to palpate the ...
The rectal exam is an oft-overlooked part of the physical exam. For those practitioners who understand how to interpret it, a lot of information can is ...
digital rectal examination ... An examination in which a doctor inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel for abnormalities. Also called DRE.
Digital rectal examination (DRE), also known as a prostate exam is an internal examination of the rectum performed by a healthcare provider.
A digital rectal exam is an exam of the lower rectum. Your health care provider uses a gloved, lubricated finger to check for any abnormal findings.
rectal examination from emedicine.medscape.com
Jul 6, 2022 · According to the American Urological Association (AUA), a digital rectal examination may be indicated for prostate cancer screening. This is ...