The canton of Bern, or Berne is one of the 26 cantons forming the Swiss Confederation. Its capital city, Bern, is also the de facto capital of Switzerland.
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The canton of Bern in the Restored Confederacy of 1815 even after the loss of Aargau and Vaud remained the largest Swiss canton, relegated to second rank only ...
History. In 1353, Bern joined the Swiss Confederacy, becoming one of the eight cantons of the formative period of 1353 to 1481. Bern invaded and conquered ...
Apr 20, 2024 · Bern became the political capital of the Swiss Confederation in 1848. Kentucky Capitol in Frankfort; photo dated 2015. (state capitols).
History of Canton Bern. The Canton of Bern was first settled by the Helvetii people in the early Iron Age. These people were then conquered by Julius Caesar ...
The Canton of Bern has a state history of over 800 years. The city of Bern was founded as early as 1191. The city expanded rapidly thereafter. In 1798, Old Bern ...
From 1803 to 1814 the canton of Bern was one of the six directorial cantons of the Swiss Confederation. The existing constitution dates from 1893, but the ...
In 1831, the city became the capital of the Canton of Berne, and in 1848, when the Swiss confederation was replaced with a centralized federal government,  ...
Mar 20, 2024 · Canton Bern. Duke Berthold V. of Zähringen founded Bern in 1191 and according to some sources called the city after the German name of Verona.
Researching your family history on the basis of the Bernese parish records is only possible if your family's place of origin is in the canton of Bern.