lukasa memory board from www.khanacademy.org
The most important function of the lukasa was to serve as a memory aid that describes the myths surrounding the origins of the Luba empire, including recitation ...
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Lukasa, "the long hand", is a memory device that was created, manipulated and protected by the Bambudye, a once powerful secret society of the Luba. Lukasa are examples of Luba art. Wikipedia
lukasa memory board from www.metmuseum.org
Lukasa, or memory boards, are hand-held wooden objects that present a conceptual map of fundamental aspects of Luba culture. They are at once illustrations ...
Special objects known as lukasa (memory boards) are used by experts in the oral retelling of history in Luba culture. The recounting of the past is performative ...
lukasa memory board from en.wikipedia.org
Lukasa are examples of Luba art. Lukasa memory board, from the collection of the Brooklyn Museum Beadwork Headdress for Mbudye Official, from the collection ...