記憶(Memory)是神經系統存儲過往經驗的能力,關於記憶的研究屬於心理學或腦部科學的範疇。記憶代表著一個人對過去活動、感受、經驗的印象累積,有相當多種分類,主要 ...
記憶(Memory)是神经系统存储过往经验的能力,关于记忆的研究屬於心理學或腦部科學的範疇。記憶代表著一個人對過去活動、感受、經驗的印象累積,有相當多種分類,主要 ...
記憶 gei3 jik1 (英文:memory)係指一個認知系統做到「將啲資訊入碼、儲起同埋喺有需要嗰陣攞出嚟用」噉嘅功能。記憶對於各種動物嘅生存體驗嚟講至關重要-記憶令一 ...
Memory is the faculty of the mind by which data or information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed. It is the retention of information over time ...
長期記憶是能夠保持幾天到幾年的記憶。它與工作記憶以及短期記憶不同,後二者只保持幾秒到幾小時。生物學上來講,短期記憶是神經連接的暫時性強化,生理上的結構是反響 ...
Memory is a 2022 American action thriller film starring Liam Neeson as a hitman with early dementia who must go on the run after declining a contract on a ...
Memory is an organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information. Memory or Memories may also refer to: Contents. 1 Memory. 1.1 Technology.
A Wiki dedicated to the beautiful world of Unnamed Memory (and the series' set in it) by Kuji Furumiya. Trending articles. Tinasha. Leonora. Lanak. Oscar.
The English language version was started in 2003 as an independent wiki and now consists of more than 57,000 articles and 64,000 files. Trending articles.
Working memory is a cognitive system with a limited capacity that can hold information temporarily. It is important for reasoning and the guidance of ...