Den engelske titel er: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Organizational Learning. Herudover vælger du at arbejde inden for 1 af 2 af valgfrie moduler. Det ene handler om ...
Uddannelsen giver indsigt i teorier, metoder og praksis inden for organisatorisk læring samt i organisationsteori, læringsteori, innovationsteori og sociologi.
Organizational learning

Organizational learning

Organizational learning is the process of creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge within an organization. An organization improves over time as it gains experience. From this experience, it is able to create knowledge. This knowledge is... Wikipedia
Enkeltmodul - Master i Læreprocesser. Organisatorisk læring - enkeltfag. Organisatorisk læring omhandler teorier om kvalificering og kompetenceudvikling.
Superstitious learning occurs when the subjective experience of learning is compelling, but the connections between actions and outcomes are misspecified (...) ...
The aim of the thesis is on the basis of theoretical and empirical analyzes to discuss, develop and present a sociological and pedagogical perspective on ...
Focus is on knowledge-intensive organizations, which are characterized by a flat, integrative organizational structure, highly educated employees, and a ...
Den anden variant inden for organisatorisk læring er at fokusere på de organisatoriske processer, fx beslutninger og arbejdsrutiner. Organisationen opfattes her ...
The aim of the thesis is on the basis of theoretical and empirical analyzes to discuss, develop and present a sociological and pedagogical perspective.
Formål. Evnen til at skabe organisatorisk læring og udvikling er en vigtig forudsætning for, at offentlige organisationer kan forbedre sig og tilpasse sig til ...