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In Russian, in the nominative case, you make a plural by using the letters "и", "ы", "я" or "а". For masculine nouns: If the word ends in a consonant, add “ы”. Replace “а” with “ы” (unless previous consonant is Г, К, Х, Ж, Ч, Ш, Щ then replace with "и" as per the spelling rules.)
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The same singular and plural · метро (underground) ⇒ метро · пианино (piano) ⇒ пианино · кофе (coffee) ⇒ кофе · хобби (hobby) ⇒ хобби · пальто (coat) ⇒ пальто ...
russian plurals from duolingo.fandom.com
Plurals is the sixth (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Russian. It has a total of four lessons. Pluralization of nouns in Russian ...
The nominative plural of indeclinable nouns is the same as the nominative singular. Examples: радио (radio), кафе (cafe), такси (taxi, cab), кенгуру (kangaroo).
In Russian grammar, plurals are formed by changing the endings of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and numerals. The plural form of a word depends on its gender ...
Aug 21, 2023 · The following is a guide for conjugating plural nouns to corresponding cases. I've tried my best to generate organized tables which even ...
In this lesson we are talking about the Russian plurals. Like in English, to make a plural form from a Russian noun you need to modify its ending.