

Wikidata is a collaboratively edited multilingual knowledge graph hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. It is a common source of open data that Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, and anyone else, is able to use under the CC0 public domain... Wikipedia
Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as central storage for the structured data ...
Jan 30, 2024 · Wikidata is a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary knowledge base, collecting structured data to provide support for Wikipedia, ...
People also ask
Feb 26, 2024 · Wikidata is a free knowledge base driven by a community and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. As well as providing a repository for linked ...
The free knowledge base that anyone can edit - sister of @wikipedia. We're on Mastodon @wikidata@wikis.world & more locations to connect with us ...