Shield volcano from
A shield volcano is a type of volcano named for its low profile, resembling a shield lying on the ground. It is formed by the eruption of highly fluid (low ...
People also ask
What is the shield volcano?
Shield volcanoes are usually constructed almost entirely of basaltic and/or andesitic lava flows which were very fluid when erupted. They are built by repeated eruptions that occurred intermittently over vast periods of time (up to a million years or longer). Shield volcanoes are much wider than they are tall.
Apr 17, 2023
How do you identify a shield volcano?
Shield volcanoes Where a volcano produces low viscosity, runny lava, it spreads far from the source and forms a volcano with gentle slopes: a shield volcano. Most shield volcanoes are formed from fluid, basaltic lava flows. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are shield volcanoes.
Do shield volcanoes erupt violently?
Eruptions at shield volcanoes are only explosive if water somehow gets into the vent, otherwise they are characterized by low-explosivity fountaining that forms cinder cones and spatter cones at the vent, however, 90% of the volcano is lava rather than pyroclastic material.
What are 3 locations of shield volcanoes?


Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain.
Galápagos Islands.
East Africa.
Extraterrestrial shield volcanoes.

Shield volcano

Mountain type
A shield volcano is a type of volcano named for its low profile, resembling a shield lying on the ground. It is formed by the eruption of highly fluid lava, which travels farther and forms thinner flows than the more viscous lava erupted from a... Wikipedia
Apr 17, 2023 · Although shield volcanoes are the largest volcanoes on Earth, they do not form soaring mountains with conical peaks like composite volcanoes.
Shield volcano from
Shield volcanoes are the largest volcanoes on Earth that actually look like volcanoes (i.e. not counting flood basalt flows). The Hawaiian shield volcanoes ...
Shield volcano from
Most shield volcanoes are formed from fluid, basaltic lava flows. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are shield volcanoes. They are the world's largest active volcanoes, ...
Shield volcano from
Feb 27, 2024 · Shield volcanoes are a type of volcano white erupts basalt lava. As basalt has a low viscosity (more watery), it can flow on the surface easily.
A shield volcano is a broad volcano with gentle sides composed of basaltic lava. Mauna Loa of Hawaii Island is the largest shield volcano.