France is a semi-presidential republic with a prime minister, who is the head of government, appointed by the president who is the directly elected head of ...
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France is a republican State and a parliamentary democracy, often qualified as semi-presidential. The Parliament is bicameral and is made up of the National ...
The Government of France officially the Government of the French Republic exercises executive power in France. It is composed of the prime minister, ...
The constitutional council is elected by the president and parliament. The independent judiciary system does not answer to, and is not controlled by, the other ...
The Government consists of the prime minister and ministers. The prime minister is appointed by the president, and is responsible to Parliament. The government, ...
The French system is characterized by the strong role of the president of the republic. The office of the president is unique in that it has the authority to ...
The Government is made up of the Prime Minister, ministres d'État, full ministers, ministers delegate, ministers of state and high commissioners. The purview, ...
France is a republic of which the executive branch is led both by a President and a Prime Minister.
The current French government runs according to the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, which was enacted in 1958.
The French Republic is a unitary semi-presidential representative democratic republic. The executive branch of the French Government has two leaders: the ...