A vocational school, trade school, or technical school is a type of educational institution, which, depending on the country, may refer to either secondary ...
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A vocational-technical school, often called a vo-tech school, is a high school in the United States and Canada designed to bring vocational and technical ...
Secondary technical schools, referred to colloquially as secondary techs or simply techs, were a type of secondary school in England and Wales that existed ...
Historically, high schools have offered vocational courses such as home economics, wood and metal shop, typing, business courses, drafting, construction, and ...
Vocation school in Tallinn, a carryover from Soviet times. Vocations available there include metalworker, welder, technician, barber, and tailor. A one-month ...
Vocational education is education that prepares people for a skilled craft as an artisan, trade as a tradesperson, or work as a technician.
Vocational technical school may refer to: Vocational-technical school, principally North American; Professional technical school, principally Eastern ...
List of vocational colleges in the United States · Brown Mackie College · Culinard · The Art Institute of Phoenix · Brown Mackie College · Pulaski Technical ...
O · Obuasi Senior High Technical School · Ohio Technical College · Omar Bongo Technical High School · Orion Technical College · Orleans Technical College. P.
"Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College"), commonly referred to as Tokyo Jujutsu High, is the sister school of Kyoto Jujutsu High. It is one of only two ...