
Learn to pronounce jus·tice

  1. just behavior or treatment.
    "a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people"
    synonyms: fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, equitableness, even-handedness, egalitarianism, impartiality, impartialness, lack of bias, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, lack of prejudice, open-mindedness, nonpartisanship, honor, uprightness, decency, integrity, probity, honesty, righteousness, ethics, morals, morality, virtue, principle, right-mindedness, propriety, scrupulousness, trustworthiness, incorruptibility
  2. a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the Supreme Court of a country or state.
    synonyms: judge, magistrate, His/Her/Your Honor, Law Lord, Lord Justice, recorder, sheriff, deemster, jurat, jurist, surrogate, alcalde, beak, m'lud, reeve, sheriff-depute, bailie

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The meaning of JUSTICE is the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment ...
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Justice, in its broadest sense, is the concept that individuals are to be treated in a manner that is equitable and fair. A society in which justice has been achieved would be one in which individuals receive what they "deserve". Wikipedia
the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.
Jun 26, 2017 · Justice is the opposite of arbitrariness. It requires that where two cases are relevantly alike, they should be treated in the same way (We ...
a person whose job is to decide questions brought before a court; judge. Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Justice is a legal structure or system that is designed to judge in a general sense who should be accorded a benefit or burden when the law is applied to a ...
Justice, in its broadest sense, is the concept that individuals are to be treated in a manner that is equitable and fair. Evidence about the Nazi Ernst ...
JUSTICE meaning: 1 : the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals; 2 : a judge in a court of law.
justice in American English · 1. the quality of being righteous; rectitude · 2. impartiality; fairness · 3. the quality of being right or correct · 4. sound ...