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  1. 6.06インチ

    iPhone 12のディスプレイは、美しい曲線を描くように四隅に丸みを持たせてデザインされており、標準的な長方形に収まります。 標準的な長方形として対角線の長さを測った場合のスクリーンのサイズは6.06インチです(実際の表示領域はこれより小さくなります)。
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    The camera system now features next-generation portraits with Focus and Depth Control. Apple has released a total of 38 iPhones over the years (including the latest iPhone 15 models). We've given you a complete look at each iPhone evolution, starting when Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone in 2007.
    The iPhone didn't just change the lives of its users. It helped reshape the entire world's manufacturing process, and not always in good ways. In 2011, we sent a reporter to China to meet the people who make your iPhones, and find out how Apple's phone changed their lives, too.
    FUN FACT: Everyone likes to argue about which iPhone was the best, but we know the answer: The iPhone 4 was the first time the iPhone felt like a precious object, a piece of jewelry. It had a killer screen and a camera so good it changed the photo-taking game forever.
    Get a daily tip (with screenshots and clear instructions) so you can master your iPhone in just one minute a day. As a fun aside, there actually isn't an iPhone 2. From the first iPhone, Apple leapfrogged right over this number to the iPhone 3G and 3GS. As far as internal specs go, the iPhone 3G wasn't much different than the original iPhone.
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