Its fleshy fruit is pear-shaped that ripens to a pale brown. Measuring about 10 to 19 cm long and 5 to 10 cm wide, it is considered a delicacy by the Malay community, and can be eaten raw but taste sour.
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binjai fruit from en.wikipedia.org
The fruit is a large, edible, elliptical drupe 10–15 cm (4–6 in) long and 6 ... In Brunei, where it is called binjai, the fruit is used to make a variety of ...
binjai fruit from makansutra.com
Jun 26, 2012 · Like the durian, the jackfruit and other local fruit, the binjai has a strong pungent aroma, much loved or hated depending on whether you are a ...
May 3, 2023 · Binjai trees flower and fruit after five years, and when in bloom around April to June, it is covered in attractive flowers that are pinkish ...
binjai fruit from theindolentcook.blogspot.com
Nov 11, 2014 · Mangifera caesia, also known as: white mango, binjai, jack, wani, yaa-lam, bayuno. So we finally peeled it, sliced it and ate it - yes, with a ...
binjai fruit from know-your-dillenia.weebly.com
The flesh is white, juicy and smooth and almost devoid of fiber, but it is often sour and has a strong foetid smell. The Binjai can be consumed as a 'sambal' ( ...
General Information. Binjai is a ... Edible Uses. Fruit - raw. The juicy, sweetish-sour, yellowish-white fleshed binjai fruit can be eaten fresh when fully ripe[.
Binjai is often used to prepare a spice based on chillies ('sambal') which is eaten with river fish. In some areas the flesh of ripe fruit is pickled and ...
binjai fruit from toptropicals.com
The fruits of Binjai tree are sour in the wild form but if it is cultivated in Bali ... The white juice of immature Binjai fruit is poisonous, so it is very ...