Persecution of Christian minorities climaxed following the Syrian civil war and later by its spillover. Genocidal massacre, religious persecution, ethnic cleansing, human trafficking and forced conversions to Sunni Islam. According to US diplomat Alberto M.
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Syria has about 579,000 Christians, about 2.8% of a population of 20.6 million. The number of Christians in the country continues to decrease, as many have fled ...
syria christian persecution from www.persecution.com
Christian Persecution in Syria​​ Syrian Christians' lives have been severely disrupted by the civil war that began more than two decades ago. Caught in the ...
Christian persecution in Syria branches out from diverse areas. Emigration of Christians is a long-standing challenge, rooted in discrimination in ...
Most Christians fled, but ISIL captured others and executed some as supporters of the Assad regime. Christian churches were destroyed, turned into mosques, or ...
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Jan 23, 2022 · Michel Butros al-Jisri is among the few Christians left from a once-vibrant community in Idlib on the brink of disappearing.
According to estimations, 10 % of the Syrian population are Christians. Christians live in and around the cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Latakia and in ...
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Jan 30, 2024 · The decline in these Christian populations is due to religious persecution by terrorists. In the summer of 2014, after reporting on the wars in ...
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Jan 17, 2024 · As ICC uncovers more and more stories of the persecution endured by Syrian Christians from terrorism and conflict in the country over the past ...
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Who Is Most Vulnerable To Persecution? ... Converts to Christianity are at risk across the country, but their situation is especially dangerous in the northwest ...