The most basic and easy way to wear a sarong is by wrapping it around your waist and tying a side knot. Open the sarong up and grab the top corners of the skirt. Wrap it around your waist. Tie to the side.
Mar 29, 2022
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#BeachSarong how to tie a sarong skirt how to wear sarong female how to tie. How To Wear A Sarong - 9 Different Ways. How To Wear A Sarong - 9 Different Ways.
Tie the sarong above your shoulder and wear it as a long dress. Hold the sarong vertically against your body, with the narrow top edge under one of your armpits ...
Nov 15, 2007 · To wrap your sarong, first hold it horizontally behind you. Fold one side tightly around your body and hold it. Pull the other side of the ...