In Russian, in the nominative case, you make a plural by using the letters "и", "ы", "я" or "а". For masculine nouns: If the word ends in a consonant, add “ы”. Replace “а” with “ы” (unless previous consonant is Г, К, Х, Ж, Ч, Ш, Щ then replace with "и" as per the spelling rules.)
Russian Grammar Tables Nouns - Plural in the Nominative Case · деньги (money), брюки (trousers) · часы (watch, clock), ножницы (scissors) · духи (perfume), ...
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Nominative singular is the main form of nouns and adjectives (nouns and adjectives given in dictionaries are in the nominative singular). You have seen the ...
In English we make a plural by adding “s”. In Russian, in the nominative case, you make a plural by using the letters “и”, “ы”, “я” or “а”.
The nominative case is a set of word forms (in singular and plural) the basic function of which is to mark the subject of the sentence. Uses of the Nominative.
The nominative plural of indeclinable nouns is the same as the nominative singular. Examples: радио (radio), кафе (cafe), такси (taxi, cab), кенгуру (kangaroo).
Plural Russian nouns will change endings in the nominative case, similar to how we add to or change the endings of certain English words. For masculine nouns, ...
Singular masculine nominative is the uninflected dictionary form of nominals. Nominals include nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals. In addition there is ...