Cedar Rapids, IA / Weather
Tuesday 7:23 AM Mostly sunny
Mostly clear. Low 53F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Humidity84%.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) - Tuesday's weather plays out a lot like Monday's, with more pop-up storms possible during the peak heating hours of the day.
People also ask
What is the coldest month in Cedar Rapids Iowa?
What is the average wind speed in Cedar Rapids Iowa?
In Cedar Rapids, the wind speed remains relatively consistent throughout the year, with an average of 11 mph in the winter months (January, February, March, and December). In the summer months (June, July, and August), the average wind speed changes to 8 mph.
What is the weather radio station for Iowa City?
Hourly Weather · 1 AM 55°. rain drop 29% · 2 AM 54°. rain drop 20% · 3 AM 54°. rain drop 20% · 4 AM 54°. rain drop 20% · 5 AM 53°. rain drop 20% · 6 AM 53°.
Cedar Rapids, IA Forecast · Morning. 63°. Chance of Rain10% · Afternoon. 70°. Chance of Rain22% · Evening. 58°. Chance of Rain3% · Overnight. 55°. Chance of ...
Showers and storms will move into Eastern Iowa overnight and continue through Sunday morning. One or two storms could become strong.