Mobile numbers which are not local need to be prefixed by a 0 while dialing, or by +91 (91 is the country code for India). A mobile number written as +91-AAAAA BBBBB is valid throughout India, and in other countries where the + is recognized as a prefix to the country code.
Fixed-line (landline) numbers · 11 - New Delhi, Delhi · 22 - Mumbai, Maharashtra · 33 - Kolkata, West Bengal · 44 - Chennai, Tamil Nadu · 20 - Pune, Maharashtra ...
In India, mobile numbers (including pagers) on GSM, WCDMA, LTE and NR networks start with either 9, 8, 7 or 6. Each telecom circle is allowed to have ...
People also ask
The main article for this category is Telephone numbers in India. Pages in category "Telephone numbers in India".
Telephone numbers in india ... From other capitalisation: This is a redirect from a title with another method of capitalisation. It leads to the title in ...
9012 ID UW 9112 LM MH 9212 DL · 9119 LM UW 9219 UW 9319 UW 9419 JK · 9619 VF MU 9719 VF UW 9819 VF MU 9919 VF UE · 9120 LM WB 9220 MU 9320 MU 9420 MH 9520 ET UW.
India's telecommunication network is the second largest in the world by number of telephone users with over 1.1 billion subscribers as of December 2023.
States and territories with country calling codes edit ; Hong Kong, 8, +852 ; India, 9, +91 ; Indonesia, 6, +62 ; Iran, 9, +98 ...
Mar 22, 2024 · In the US, 011 is the usual international prefix. To call India, you would dial 011 91 plus the city code and number. If your upstream requires ...
In Iceland, the toll-free prefix is "800", followed by a four-digit number. In India, the toll-free prefix is "1800", followed by a six or seven digit number.