Swedish East India Company Situated in Gothenburg, the company secured a 15-year monopoly on far eastern trade, exchanging Swedish timber, tar, iron and copper for tea, porcelain and silk. The company existed for 82 years and its vessels made 131 voyages using 37 different ships.
The Swedish East India Company was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1731 for the purpose of conducting trade with India, China and the Far East.
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During the years between 1731-1813 The Swedish East India Company (Svenska Ostindiska Compagniet) made over 130 trips between Gothenburg and China of which ...
The house of East India Company was built between 1750-1762. Today it hosts the city museum, archaeological museum and etnographic museum. References:
The city of Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden was ideally located for an important role. The successful English and Dutch East India companies already ...
Sep 2, 2021 · The original vessel was owned by the Swedish East India Company, which was set up to establish trade between Sweden and Asian countries, ...
Nov 26, 2014 · The Swedish East India Company (SEIC), established in 1731, was one of the smaller companies engaged in the Asian trade.
The Swedish East India Company (Svenska Ostindiska Companiet) was founded in Gothenburg Sweden, in 1731 for the purpose of conducting trade with the Far East.
Founded in 1731 in Gothenburg, Sweden, the Swedish East India Company was inspired by the success of other trading companies traveling to the Far East, most ...