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  1. Conifer
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    Conifer, any member of the division pinophyta, class pinopsida, order pinales, made up of living and fossil gymnospermous plants that usually have needle-shaped evergreen leaves and seeds attached to the scales of a woody bracted cone. Among living gymnosperm divisions, the conifers show little similarity to the cycadophyta and gnetophyta but share several vegetative and reproductive traits with the ginkgophyta. Conifers are most abundant in cool temperate and boreal regions, where they are important timber trees and ornamentals, but they are most diverse in warmer areas, including tropical mountains..
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    Insight :Conifer means 'the one that bears cones' in latin

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    Insight :Conifers are well-adapted to cold climates with sloping limbs and waxy needles

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    Insight :Conifers form part of the taiga or boreal forest, a significant carbon sink

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    Insight :Many conifers are monoecious, having both male and female structures

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    Quiz :Which order within the division pinophyta and class pinopsida comprises all the extant conifers and is characterized by the reproductive structure known as a cone?

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  2. Conifers - The Best Plants to Grow in Your Garden

  3. A Guide to Conifers: 22 Popular Types | Garden Design