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    A chromosome is a structure that occurs within cells and that contains the cell's genetic material. That genetic material, which determines how an organism develops, is a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). A molecule of DNA is a very long, coiled structure that contains many identifiable subunits known as genes.
    In the resting phase or interphase stage of the cell, the chromosomes occur in the form of thin, coiled, elastic and contractile, thread-like stainable structures, the chromatin threads. Autosomes are structures that contain hereditary information.
    According to the classical cytological studies, each chromosome structurally consists of a limiting membrane called pellicle, an amorphous matrix and two very thin, highly coiled filaments called chromonema or chromonemata. Each chromonemata is 800A 0 thick and contains 8-microfibriis, each of which in its turn contains two double helics of DNA.
    Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins. DNA is wrapped around histones and other nonhistone pro teins in an orderly fashion to form nucleosomes, which are then fur ther organized into solenoid structures and finally form the highly condensed metaphase chromosome.
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