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  1. Áridas | Spanish to English Translation -

  2. áridas - significado de áridas diccionario -

  3. RAE - ASALE - árido, árida | Diccionario de la lengua española

  4. People also ask
    Inflexiones de ' árido ' ( adj ): f: árida, mpl: áridos, fpl: áridas No podía cultivar nada en aquel terreno tan árido. I couldn't grow anything on that arid piece of land. Hablaban de un tema árido y no quise entrar en él. They were talking about a dull subject and I did not want to be a part of it. Is something important missing?
    However, there are large areas classified as Humid under AI and as Arid according to the AR. This is the case in the central zone of Mexico, the north of Venezuela, the area surrounding Brasilia, in Brazil and the central zone of Chile. All these areas are located in transition zones, where aridity gradually changes into more humid climates.
    The main problem to characterize and delimit arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones from the climate point of view, is the assessment of variables and their integration in a water shortage and surplus index that will make it possible to establish the aridity or humidity degree of a region.
  5. árido - Diccionario Inglés-Español

  6. áridas - English translation – Linguee

  7. Qué son las tierras áridas y sus tipos - Sigma Earth

  8. Clima árido - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    WEBLa temperatura media anual es aproximadamente de 18 °C, y las temperaturas diarias presentan fuertes oscilaciones entre el día y la noche (20 °C o más) en los áridos cálidos. Este hecho se debe a la escasa …

  9. áridas - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  10. Atlas of arid zones in Latin America and the Caribbean - UNESCO

  11. áridas - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português